Writing(s) at the Crossroads. The process–product interface


Edited by Georgeta Cislaru
CLESTHIA, Université Sorbonne nouvelle Paris 3

ISBN 9789027212238 | EUR 95.00 | USD 143.00

2015.  vi, 304 pp.

This volume aims at contributing to an interpretive approach to writing and its dynamics. It offers a general scope on the process-product interface by multiplying the points of view on both the process and the product and their links. The book presents new findings and perspectives in the study of language and writing, both theoretical and methodological (e.g. dual process models of writing, pragmatics of writing, linguistic analysis of psycholinguistic units such as bursts of production). It also presents new tools for a longitudinal approach to the writing steps, key-stroke logging with integrated linguistic modules, and textometric analysis of written texts. The volume is composed of five sections that highlight different approaches to writing from the viewpoint of multiple disciplines: Anthropology, Cognitive Psycholinguistics, Communication Studies, Didactics (Applied Linguistics), Discourse Analysis, Literacy, Sociolinguistics and Text Genetics. This book will be relevant for scholars and students interested in writing, text analysis, literacy, learning and teaching.


Some core questions about writing
Methodology: Investigating real-life writing processes* Almuth Grésillon and Daniel Perrin
Linguistic forms and choices at the interfaces
Re-writing operations and their effects of meaning Pascale Brunner and Michele Pordeus Ribeiro
Tracks and traces of the writing process
Editorial genesis: From comparing texts (product) to interpreting rewritings (process) Rudolf Mahrer, Rossana De Angelis, Andrea Del Lungo, Almuth Grésillon, Jean-Louis Lebrave, Valentine Nicollier Saraillon, Thierry Poibeau, Frédérique Mélanie-Becquet and Bénédicte Vauthier

Writing practices in context
Cognitive insights through writing studies
Conflict in writing: Actions and objects David Galbraith and Veerle Baaijen
Analyzing writing process data: A linguistic perspective Mariëlle Leijten, Luuk Van Waes and Eric Van Horenbeeck