25/09/2024 - 27/09/2024

Organizing committee: Julie André, Françoise Leriche and Nathalie Mauriac Dyer

From letters to manuscripts, this colloquium, which marks the completion of the ANR Corr-Proust 1907-1914 project, is devoted to examining the role of epistolary writing in the creative process as well as reflecting on digital editions of correspondences and the possibilities offered by text mining tools.

Often considered solely through the prism of biography, letters play a crucial role in literary creation, whether they initiate fictional writing, reflect the hesitations of the writer and their editorial troubles, or bear witness to their multiple documentary sources. Updating Philip Kolb’s monumental paper edition of Proust’s letters, the Corr-Proust project aims not only to produce a new, enriched digital edition of the correspondence of Marcel Proust, but also to highlight the creative dimension of epistolary writing.

By fostering a dialogue among editors of correspondences of major writers and artists of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, this colloquium will help define the various functions of epistolary writing in the creative process as well as provide an overview of editorial choices and ongoing reflections in the field of digital editions of correspondences.

Please register here to attend. Registration is free but mandatory. You can download the program here.

Le programme en français est ici.


Wednesday, September 25

Fondation Robert de Sorbon – CCFS, 16-22, rue de Martignac, 75007 Paris

Correspondence and the creative process


1:15 pm          Welcome

1:45 pm          Opening remarks by Olivier Bertrand and Isabelle Schaffner (International Center for French language and culture, IP Paris)

 2:00 pm          Presentation of Corr-Proust, the digital edition of Marcel Proust’s correspondence, by the project partners (Litt&Arts, ITEM, LinX, University of Illinois)

 Françoise Leriche, François Proulx, Caroline Szylowicz, Nathalie Mauriac Dyer, Julie André, Elisabeth Greslou and Anne Garcia-Fernandez

Corr-Proust: corr-proust.org  

3:00 pm         Keynote:   “Proust’s correspondence and his creative process(Françoise Leriche, Université Grenoble Alpes)

4:00 pm          Break

4:30 pm          Roundtable: Writers’ correspondence and their creative process

Moderator:  Jean-Yves Tadié (Sorbonne Université)

With Jean-Marc Hovasse (Sorbonne Université) on Victor Hugo; Bertrand Marchal (Sorbonne Université) on Stéphane Mallarmé; Pierre Masson (Nantes Université) on André Gide; Alain Pagès (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle) on Émile Zola.


Thursday, September 26

École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, amphithéâtre Cauchy

Digital editions of correspondences: standards and uses

9:30 am          Welcome

9:45 am          Opening remarks by Dominique Rossin (Provost, École Polytechnique), and Michaël Foessel (Director, LinX)

10:00 am        Pioneering projects in digital edition of correspondences: corpora, editorial choices and stakes

Moderator: François Proulx (University of Illinois)

Catherine Volpilhac-Auger (École normale supérieure, Lyon): “Montesquieu’s letters, between digital objects and complete works”


Yvan Leclerc (Université de Rouen Normandie): “The digital edition of Flaubert’s correspondence: choices and constraints”


Gwenaëlle Sifferlen (Université de Bourgogne): “22,000 letters on one website: the scholarly digital edition of Juliette Drouet’s epistolary diary to Victor Hugo”


Nienke Bakker and Leo Jansen (Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam): “The Van Gogh Letters Project”


12:30 pm        Lunch

2:00 pm          Innovations of the Corr-Proust edition: encoding, networking, and exploration of textual and genetic data

Moderator: Françoise Leriche (Université Grenoble Alpes)

with Julie André (École Polytechnique, Paris), Chiara Carraro (ITEM-CNRS), Yuri Cerqueira dos Anjos (Victoria University of Wellington, NZ), Solène Lépinay (Université Grenoble Alpes), Ludovico Monaci (University of Padua) and Théo Roulet (Université Grenoble Alpes)

Corr-Proust: corr-proust.org

3:30 pm          Coffee break

4:00 pm          Roundtable: Adventures in Proust’s epistolary archives (École Polytechnique Library)

Moderator: Jérôme Bastianelli (Société des Amis de Marcel Proust)

with Pedro Corrêa do Lago (collector), Guillaume Fau (Département des Manuscrits, Bibliothèque nationale de France), Jacques Letertre (Société des Hôtels littéraires), Caroline Szylowicz (Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Illinois), and Jean-Claude Vrain (Rare book and manuscript dealer)


Friday, September 27

École normale supérieure, 75005 Paris, salle des Actes

Digital tools for exploring correspondences


9:00 am          Welcome

9:30 am          Digital editions of correspondences and data mining

Moderator: Anne Garcia Fernandez (CNRS-Litt&Arts)

Iris Fabry (Université Grenoble Alpes): “Letters and corpus linguistics: PhraseoCorr and its associated mining tool, the Lexicoscope”

Jean-Sébastien Macke (ITEM-CNRS): “Data visualization and mining in Emile Zola’s sent and received letters”


Fatiha Idmhand (Université de Poitiers, ITEM-CNRS): “Pablo Picasso through his letters”


11:00 am        Coffee break

11:15 am        Visualizations and data mining in the Corr-Proust project

Moderator: Fatiha Idmhand (Université de Poitiers, ITEM-CNRS)

Arnaud Bey (Litt&Arts), Serena Crespi (Litt&Arts), Anne Garcia-Fernandez (CNRS-Litt&Arts) : “Representing and analyzing a multi-facetted object of study: the letter”

Ludovico Monaci (University of Padua) and Théo Roulet (Litt&Arts):Data mining and literary creation: Corr-Proust 1907-1914, from large scale to minute detail”

12:45 – 1:00 pm          Conclusion: representing text genetics in the digital era