La variance en philologie et en critique génétique
Variance in Textual Scholarship and Genetic Criticism
ESTS 10ème colloque de la European Society for Textual Scholarship se tiendra à l’École normale supérieure de Paris
Il est co-organisé par l’Institut des textes et manuscrits modernes (ITEM, UMR 8132) et l’équipe de recherche « Textes, histoire et monuments, de l’Antiquité au Moyen Âge » (THEMAM, UMR 7041 ARSCAN).
ESTS 2013 10th Conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship
Qu’elle soit considérée comme une déviation qu’il convient d’éliminer ou comme une transformation créatrice qu’il convient de valoriser, la variation est au cœur de toutes les sciences du texte. Il est grand temps de confronter les différentes conceptions de la variation, de manière à examiner ce qu’elles ont en commun et quelles différences irréductibles demeurent – sans toutefois viser à l’uniformité, ce qui serait paradoxal pour un colloque consacré à la variance.
PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME (actualisé le 16 octobre 2013)
Friday 22 November 2013
10:00 – 10:15 OPENING AND WELCOME, salle Dussane
Dirk Van Hulle (President ESTS) – Genetic Criticism and Textual Scholarship: Notes towards a Rapprochement
Pierre-Marc de Biasi (Director ITEM) – La variance en philologie et dans la critique génétique
11:00 – 11:30 COFFEE BREAK
11:30 – 13:00 PLENARY PANEL, salle Dussane (chair: Dirk Van Hulle)
Daniel Ferrer – Variant and Variation
David Greetham – When (and Why) Is Adaptation a Challenge to Variation?
Roger Lüdeke – Versions Matter
13:00 – 14:00 LUNCH BREAK
14:00 – 15:30 PANEL 1, salle Dussane (chair: Aurélien Berra)
Hervé Baudry – La variance contrainte. Le fonctionnement éditorial de la censure expurgative
Anne Baillot – La modélisation des données de l’édition numérique “Lettres et textes. Le Berlin intellectuel dans les années 1800” et son approche de la variance dans les lettres
Nathalie Ferrand – Monstre philologique ou merveille génétique? Rousseau dans le flux de la variance
PANEL 2, amphithéâtre Rataud (chair: Dirk Van Hulle)
Hannah Sullivan – Why Do Authors Produce Textual Variance (on Purpose)?
Peter Kegel – Mouth wide open, not a single word. A Genetic Approach to Hermans’ Novel Ik heb altijd gelijk (1951) within the Context of a Complete Works Edition
Manuel Portelaand António Rito Silva – Encoding and Visualizing Variation in LdoD
PANEL 3, salle de conférences du 46 rue d’Ulm (chair: )
Teresa Manuela Lussone – Les romans posthumes d’Irène Némirovsky: Les Feux de l’automne et Suite française
Audinga Satkūnaitė – Linguistic Sterilization of Prose Texts: Lithuanian Novelists of the Second Half of the 20th Century in the Claws of Omnipotent Editors
Anna-Maria Sichani – A Palimpsest of Times and Voices: Towards a Digital Genetic Edition of Rough Drafts of Giorgos Cheimonas’ The Builders (Οι χτίστες)
15:30 – 16:00 COFFEE BREAK
16:00 – 17:30 PLENARY PANEL, salle Dussane (chair: Pierre-Marc de Biasi)
Daniel E. O’Sullivan – La variété et la variance mélodiques dans les chansons de Thibaut de Champagne
Françoise Leriche – Le défi posé par la macro-variation proustienne : de l’édition critique à une édition génétique
Bénédicte Vauthier – Coups de sonde dans un dossier génétiquehispanique (essentiellement) numériqueet essai de théorisation : El Dorado(2008) de Robert Juan-Cantavella
ESTS Board Meeting
Saturday 23 November 2013
09:30 – 11:00 PANEL 1, salle des Actes (chair: )
Almuth Grésillon and Bénédicte Vauthier – De l’Éloge de la variante aux vertus de la variation
Rudolf Mahrer, Thierry Poibeau and Frédérique Mélanie – L’analyse linguistique de la variation textuelle
Andrea Del Lungoand Pierino Gallo – Représentation de la genèse éditoriale, représentation de l’œuvre
PANEL 2, salle Celan (chair:)
Loula Abd-elrazak – Entre ruptures et continuités: les manuscrits des Miracles de Nostre Damede Gautier de Coinci
Isabel De la Cruz Cabanillas – Editing Middle English Variation: The Case of Ms Sainte-Geneviève 3390
Ariadne Nunes – Scribal Variation Not (Only) as a Process
PANEL 3, amphithéâtre Rataud (chair: )
Sakari Katajamäki – Textual Tasters: Excerpts Before First Editions and After
Hanno Biber – “Don’t ask why, …” About the Systematic Relation between the Digital Format and the Print Format in a New Edition of the Text Written by Karl Kraus in 1933
Christopher Decker – Indecision and Revision in Edward FitzGerald’s Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám
11:00 – 11:30 COFFEE BREAK
11:30 – 13:00 PLENARY PANEL, salle des Actes (chair:Wim Van Mierlo)
Hans Walter Gabler – The Draft Manuscript: Not a Witness, but the Thing Itself
Kenneth M. Price – The Editorial Challenges Associated with Walt Whitman’s Blue Book, his Annotated Copy of the 1860 edition of Leaves of Grass
13:00 – 14:00LUNCH BREAK
13:30 – 14:00 POSTER SESSION, salle Celan
Magnus Wieland, Simon Zumsteg and Peter Daengeli – Hermann Burger’s Novel Lokalberichtas Process (of Gradual Production)
Maria Jørgensen – On the Variants in Nabokov’s Pale Fire
14:00 – 15:30 PANEL 1, salle des Actes (chair: Caroline Macé)
Franz Dolveck – L’éditeur peut-il se faire exécuteur testamentaire ? Les variantes auctoriales de l’Africa de Pétrarque
Godfried Croenen – Methodological Cross-Over of Philology and Genetic Criticism: Challenges and Opportunities
Natalia Fernández Rodríguez – Beyond the Text: Exploring the Limits of Textual Criticism in the Edition of Spanish Classical Theatre
PANEL 2, salle Celan (chair: TBC)
Rebecca Chung – ECCO’s Echoes: Developing a Historically-based Editorial Procedure for a Modern-spelling Text of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu’s Turkish Embassy Letters
Wim Van Mierlo – Emotion “Redacted” in Tranquility: The Stages of Revision in the Manuscripts of William Wordsworth
Alexandre Dias Pinto – From the Reading Notes to the First Draft in the Creative Process of Southey’s History of Portugal
PANEL 3, amphithéâtre Rataud (chair: TBC)
Jean-Christophe Olive – L’usage de la notion de variante en génétique filmique: analyse des versions du scénario de L’Enfer d’Henri-Georges Clouzot
Thomas Crombez – Visualizing the Variants of Digital Text Versions: The Case of Die Brüder Karamasow (Susanne Meister & Luk Perceval)
Elsa Camus and Mirjam Sager – Site Internet pour l’édition génétique des manuscrits de Paisajes después de la batalla (Juan Goytisolo)
15:30 – 16:00 COFFEE BREAK
16:00 – 17:30 PLENARY PANEL, salle des Actes (chair: Dirk Van Hulle)
Neil Fraistat andTravis Brown – Genetic Editing and the “Participatory Turn” of Textual Scholarship
Rüdiger Nutt-Kofoth – Variations in Understanding Variants: Hidden Concepts of Text in German Critical Editions
John A. Walsh and H. Wayne Storey – Indexicality, Visual Poetics, and the PetrArchive: A Scholarly Digital Edition of Petrarch’s Songbook
17:40 – 18:00 ESTS General Members Meeting
Sunday 24 November 2013
09:30 – 11:00 PANEL 1, salle des Actes (chair: TBC )
Erika Kihlman – Textual variation in medieval sequence commentaries
Michael G. Sargent – Variation and Perfection: Can One Produce a Post-Modern Critical Edition of a Medieval English Text?
Stacee Bucciarelli – Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: From Manuscript to Print to Digital Edition
PANEL 2, salle Celan (chair: TBC )
Exo-, Endo- and Epigenetic Variance in the Beckett Digital Manuscript Project
Veronica Bãlã and Wout Dillen – Between Extant and Virtual Libraries: Beckett’s Variant Readings of The Divine Comedy
Mark Nixon– ‘all the variants of the one’: Beckett’s 1960s Faux Départs
Dirk Van Hulle – Epigenetic Criticism: Variance and Variation in Beckett’s L’Innommable / The Unnamable and Krapp’s Last Tape / La dernière bande
PANEL 3, amphithéâtre Rataud (chair:TBC )
Carlota Pimenta – Typologie de variantes d’auteur. Novelas do Minho, de Camilo Castelo Branco
Luana Batista de Souza – Proposal for a Scholarly Edition Based on the Editio Princeps: The Case of O Seminarista, by Bernardo Guimarães
Paulius V. Subacius – To Cut a Gem: How a Bad Poem Turned into a Collection of Good Verses
11:00 – 11:30 COFFEE BREAK
11:30 – 13:00 PLENARY PANEL, salle des Actes (chair: Aurélien Berra)
Thomas Bein – Variance in the work of Walther von der Vogelweide
Stephen G. Nichols – What Do We Mean with “Variance”, Today?
Elena Pierazzo – What’s on the Page? Objectivity and Subjectivity and the Editorial Work
13:00 – 14:00 LUNCH BREAK
14:00 – 15:30 PANEL 1, salle des Actes (chair:TBC)
Anne-Catherine Baudoin – When Did the Resurrection of Christ Take Place? From Textual Variants to Theological Controversy
Greta Franzini – Collaborative Annotation of Open Classical Texts
Ágnes Máté – Successful Latin Variants and Early Translations of Eneas Silvius Piccolomini’s Historia de duobus amantibus
PANEL 2, salle Celan (chair: TBC )
Bert Van Raemdonck and Yves T’Sjoen – Editing Variation in Text and Peritext: Suggestions for a Broader Concept of the Literary Work for Textual Scholarship and Scholarly Editing
Gabriele Wix – Thomas Kling and the Constitution of Variance in the Process of Stratigraphic Soundings
Viviane Arena Figueiredo and Ceila Maria Ferreira – Júlia Lopes de Almeida: an Editorial Review of Ânsia eterna and Histórias da nossa terra
PANEL 3, amphithéâtre Rataud (chair: TBC)
Veijo Pulkkinen– The Bibliographic Code of Aaro Hellaakoski’s Kesien Kesäfrom a Genetic Perspective
Giles Bergel – The Other Genetic Criticism: The Contribution of Phylogenetics to the Stemmatology of a Printed English Ballad Tradition
Mark Bland – Jonson’s revisions
15:30 – 16:00 COFFEE BREAK
16:00 – 17:00 PLENARY PANEL, salle des Actes (chair: Alexandre Fachard)
Paolo D’Iorio – Genèse textuelle et analyse philosophique: à propos d’un titre de Nietzsche
João Dionísio – Critique génétique après la lettre?
17:00 – 17:15 CLOSING REMARKS: João Dionísio (ESTS)
Participation & Registration
Participants who contribute to the conference through a paper, a panel or a poster session need to pay the conference fee and have to be members in good standing of the European Society for Textual Scholarship for 2013. Your current membership status is indicated at http://ests.huygensinstituut.nl/. About the ESTS, regisration and possibilities of accomodation, please see http://www.textualscholarship.eu/.
The Programme Committee : Aurélien Berra, Pierre-Marc De Biasi, Daniel Ferrer, Dirk Van Hulle, Wim Van Mierlo
Supporting Institutions : Institut des textes et manuscrits modernes (ITEM, UMR 8132), Paris Textes, histoire et monuments, de l’Antiquité au Moyen Âge (THEMAM, UMR 7041 ARSCAN), Paris Centre for Manuscript Genetics, University of Antwerp