Professeur de littérature et de droit et Directeur du Centre Bandy à l’Université Vanderbilt, Robert Barsky travaille sur la littérature française, anglaise et américaine des XIXe et XXe siècles dans ses rapports avec le droit et les communautés radicales. Guggenheim Fellow (2022-2023), Canada Research Chair (2019-2020) et Rockefeller Writing Resident (2017) il est l’auteur de dix livres, incluant des œuvres biographiques sur Noam Chomsky, Zellig Harris et Marc Angenot, des contributions au droit des réfugiés, un roman et un recueil de poésie.
Quelques œuvres de Robert Barsky:
The Beltline Chronicles (forthcoming 2025), AmeriQuests/Knowledge Futures.
2021: Clamouring for Legal Protection: What the Great Books Teach Us About Vulnerable Migrants. Oxford: Hart Publishing / Bloomsbury Press, 2021.
2016: Undocumented Immigrants in an Era of Arbitrary Law, Routledge. Runner-up The Hart Socio-Legal Book Prize for the most outstanding socio-legal scholarship published in the last 12 months.
2016: Hatched [a novel]. Mechanicsburg, PA: Sunbury Press.
Zellig Harris: From American Linguistics to Socialist Zionism. Cambridge; London: The MIT Press, 2011.
The Chomsky Effect: A Radical Works Beyond the Ivory Tower, Cambridge; London: The MIT Press, 2005.
Arguing & Justifying: Assessing Convention Refugees Choice of Moment, Motive & Host Country Ashgate, 2001.
Introduction à la théorie littéraire. Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec, 1997.
Noam Chomsky: Une Vie discordante, Paris Odile Jacob, 1998.
Constructing a Productive Other: Discourse Theory and the Convention Refugee Hearing, Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1994.
Revues (Editeur):
The Mittens & the Dove AmeriQuest https://ameriquests.org/index.php/ameriquests/issue/view/238.
Cultural and Artistic Participation of Migrants Vol 16 No 1 (2021). Eds Robert F. Barsky and Marco Martiniello https://ejournals.library.vanderbilt.edu/index.php/ameriquests/issue/view/232
Border-Crossing in Law and Literature, AmeriQuests 13.2 (2018) http://ameriquests.org/index.php/ameriquests/issue/view/207
The Reception of Baudelaire in Japan, and Sanctuary in “America”. AmeriQuests 13.1 (2017) http://ameriquests.org/index.php/ameriquests/issue/view/206
Editor, Paris-SubStance-America. A special issue of SubStance devoted to French theory. 2001.
Editor, with Michael Holquist, Bakhtin and Otherness. A special issue of Discours social, 1991.
Chapitres (selectionnées)
Marsha Barsky, Robert F. Barsky “Mikhaïl Bakhtin, Modern Dance, and the Body’s Unmediated Presence in the World”, P. Birgy, Ed, Understanding Bakhtin, Understanding Modernism, 2023
“The Chomsky Approach”, in Gïnther Gruwendorf, Ed. Chomsky on State and Democracy, Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2021.
“Friendship and the Dialogic Body”, Essays in Honor of Clive Thomson, Cambridge Scholars, 2020.
“Harris, Zellig,” in Oxford Bibliographies in Linguistics, Oxford, Oxford UP, 2017.
Chomsky, Noam (1928–). In: James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 3. Oxford: Elsevier, 2015. pp. 526–530.
Accessing Contextual Assumptions in Dialogue Interpreting: The Case of Illegal Immigrants in the United States, in The Translator: Studies in Intercultural Translation, in Text and Context: Essays on Translation and Interpreting in Honour of Ian Mason. Manchester, St. Jerome Press, 2010.
“Teaching Narrative Theory in the Undergraduate Classroom,” Jim Phelan, ed., Teaching Narrative Theory, NY, MLA, 2010.
“Methodological issues for the study of migrant incarceration in an era of discretion in law in the southern USA,” edited by Ilse van Liempt/Veronika Bilger. The Ethics of Migration Research Methodology: Processes, Policy and Legislation in Dealing with Vulnerable Immigrants. Sussex, Sussex Academic Press, 2009, pp 25-48.
«La problématologie dialogique: quelle rôle joue le questionnement dans les domaines de la littérature et du droit ?» in Clive Thomson et André Collinot, Mikhaïl Bakhtine et la pensée dialogique, London, Mestengo Press, 2005, 55-63.
“Stories from the Court of Appeal,” Dis/Locations, eds. Mike Baynham and Anna de Fina, Manchester, UK and Northampton, MA: St. Jerome’s Press, 2005, 217-238.
“Cold War Beats” an entry for the Beat Encyclopedia, CA: ABC-CLIO Publishing, 2005.
“La problématique dialogique: Quel rôle joue le questionnement dans les domaines de la littérature et du droit?” Actes du colloque Bakhtinede Cérisy, ed. Clive Thomson. London: Mestengo Press, 2001.
“Literary Knowledge: Marc Angenot and Noam Chomsky”, Dialogism and Cultural Criticism, Ed. by Clive Thomson and Hans Raj Dua. London, Ontario: Mestango P, 1995, pp. 21-46.
Articles (selectionnées:
“Clamouring for Legal Protection”, L’Ombra (Università di Torino), with Cécilia Laan and Andrea Schellino (September 2024)https://morettievitali.it/lombra/
How George Orwell Paved Noam Chomsky’s Path to Anarchism (adapted from Noam Chomsky: A Life of Dissent).
Robert F. Barsky (2023) Mikhaïl Bakhtin and International Refugee Law: A Dialogic Approach to Treaty Negotiations and Cross-Cultural Legal Hearings, Law & Literature, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1535685X.2023.2267260 DOI: 10.1080/1535685X.2023.2267260
“From the 1965 Bellagio Colloquium to the Adoption of the Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees”, International Journal of Refugee Law 32.2 (September 2020).
« La BEATification des écrivains modernistes français », Parade sauvage - revue internationale d’études rimbaldiennes (2019). Paris : Harmattan, 185-201.
« “J’ai volé cette édition de Fêtes galantes, de Paul Verlaine, parce qu’elle contenait la gravure d’un homme d’une beauté remarquable” », Revue Verlaine, n° 15, 2017, p. 17-20
“From the 1965 Bellagio Colloquium to the Adoption of the Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees”, International Journal of Refugee Law 32.2 (September 2020).
“The Savage Pilgrimage: D.H. Lawrence’s Dialogic Journeys upon Monte Verità, the Mountain of Truth”, L’Analisi linguistic e letterri linguistica e letteraria 1-2 (2014): 117-129.
From Barak Obama’s Executive Order Concerning Undocumented Immigrants to Open Borders”, AmeriQuests 11.2 (2014). http://ameriquests.org/index.php/ameriquests/article/view/3999
“Introduction: Modern Obscenities from Baudelaire and Bovary to Remy Couture”, AmeriQuests 11.1 (2014). http://ameriquests.org/index.php/ameriquests/article/view/3899
“Zellig Harris: Language and Politics”, New Left Project, http://www.newleftproject.org/index.php/site/article_comments/zellig_harris_language_and_politics
“First Encounters: Knowledge Interpretation on the Front-Lines of Cross-Cultural Encounters,” Global Media Journal 2012: Volume 5, Issue 1, pp. 53-74. (http://www.gmj.uottawa.ca/1201/v5i1_Barsky_e.html)
“Introduction” to Robert F. Barsky, ed., “The Legacies and Futures of the Humanities in North America and Beyond,” AmeriQuests 9.1-2, 2012.
“Academia in the era of Homeland Security” in Works and Days, a special issue on “Academic Freedom and Intellectual Activism in the Post-9/11 University’, volumes 26/7 (2009): 95-125.
“Safe Spaces in an Era of Gated Communities and Disproportionate Punishment” for a special issue entitled “The Humanities at Work in the World” in Profession (MLA), 2008.
“From Problematology to the ‘problem’ of the dialogic body, in The International Journal of Philosophy (2008).
“Activist Translation in an Era of Fictional Law,” for a special issue called Translation and Social Activism, ed. Sherry Simon, Traduction, Terminologie, Rédaction XVIII.2 (2007): 17-48.
“From Discretional to Fictional Law,” SubStance (Summer 2006): 1-52.
“Academia in the era of Homeland Security” in Works and Days, a special issue on “Academic Freedom and Intellectual Activism in the Post-9/11 University’, volumes 26/7 (2009): 95-125.
Toto Kisaku, Requiem for an Electric Chair, performed in New Haven in June, 2018. https://www.requiemelectric.com
“What Can Literature do? From Literary Sociocriticism to a Critique of Social Discourse” by Marc Angenot (translated by Robert F. Barsky), Yale Journal of Criticism 17.2 (Fall 2004): 217-232.
“A State of Social Discourse” by Michel Pierssens (translated by Robert F. Barsky), Yale Journal of Criticism, 17.2 (Fall 2004): 255-262.
(co-translated) Denise Helly, “Social cohesion and Ethnic Minorities,” for the Canadian Journal of Anthropology and Sociology (2003).
(co-translated) Denise Helly, “Ethnic and National Minorities” for the Canadian Journal of Anthropology and Sociology (2002).
Passion and the Philosophers, a translation (with a preface, introduction and bibliography) of Le Philosophe et les Passions (Livre de Poche) for Penn State Press Literature and Philosophy Series, dir. Anthony Cascardi, 2000 (listed under books).
“Rhetoric and the Theory of Argument” by Michel Meyer. Revue Internationale de Philosophie 196.2 (1996): 325-358.