Date limite des propositions : 15 novembre 2016
Deadline for proposals 15th November 2016
The Finnish Literature Society (SKS) and ITEM – Institut des textes & manuscrits modernes will organise an international and interdisciplinary conference GENESIS – HELSINKI 2017: Creative Processes and Archives in Arts and Humanities in Helsinki, 7th – 9th June 2017.
Plenary speakers include: Paolo D’Iorio (ITEM, Paris), Irène Fenoglio (ITEM), Daniel Ferrer (ITEM), Claire Doquet (Université Paris 3), Dirk Van Hulle (Centre for Manuscript Genetics, Antwerp), Ineke Huysman (Huygens ING, The Hague and Amsterdam), Wim Van Mierlo (Loughborough University), and Carrie Smith (Cardiff University, Wales).
GENESIS – Helsinki 2017 will be the first broad conference on Genetic Criticism in the Nordic countries. Genetic Criticism (critique génétique) is a discipline that explores writing processes and other creative work. Its central research corpora comprise mainly various archival sources from writer’s notes to drafts, and manuscripts.
Genetic research can reveal, for instance, how a writer has outlined, developed and revised a literary work regarding its structures, topics, themes, symbols and style. Thus, genetic research can enrich interpretations of literature. In addition to writing, genetic critics are interested in other creative processes such as cinema and architecture.
GENESIS – HELSINKI 2017 aims to gather scholars and students from various disciplines interested in creative processes, such as Literary Criticism, Linguistics, Didactics of Writing, Translation Studies, Musicology, and Art History. One goal of the conference, is to acquaint Finnish teachers and pedagogues with means by which the results of genetic research can be applied in school teaching. Participating in the conference or submitting a paper proposal does not require prior knowledge of the theoretical discussions of Genetic Criticism. The working language of the conference will be English.
Télécharger ici l’appel à contribution
The conference is organised by the Finnish Literature Society – SKS (www.finlit.fi) and ITEM (www.item.ens.fr) in cooperation with several institutional partners:
Cardiff University; Centre for Manuscript Genetics, Antwerp; Huygens ING, The Hague and Amsterdam; Jean Sibelius Works, Helsinki; Loughborough University; Université Paris 3; University of Helsinki, and University of Turku.
Organising Committee:
Hanna Karhu (University of Helsinki / Finnish Literature Society – SKS / ITEM), Sakari Katajamäki (Finnish Literature Society – SKS / Edith – Critical Editions of Finnish Literature), Christophe Leblay (University of Turku / ITEM), Veijo Pulkkinen (University of Helsinki), and Sakari Ylivuori (Jean Sibelius Works).
Please submit your proposal by email to the Organising Committee (genesishelsinki2017@gmail.com).
Further information: www.finlit.fi/en/genesis2017
Contacts: Hanna Karhu (University of Helsinki / Finnish Literature Society – SKS), hanna.karhu@helsinki.fi