International Comparative Literature Association
XXIst Congress: “The Many Languages of Comparative Literature”
Olga Anokhina (CNRS, Paris)
Till Dembeck (University of Luxembourg)
Dirk Weissmann (University of Paris at Créteil – UPEC)
-‐ multilingual authors in struggle with monolingual or national frameworks, multilingualism as a (hidden) background for national writers
-‐ literary subversions of monolingual norms, language normalization processes and literature
-‐ language contact and literary creativity
-‐ travel, exile, extraterritoriality and literary multilingualism
-‐ translation, heterolingualism and language hybridity
-‐ representations of multilingual realities in monolingual literary writing
-‐ translingual borrowing of literary, aesthetic and rhetoric structures and strategies
-‐ multilingualism in writers’ manuscripts, sketches, notebooks, etc. (critique génétique)
-‐ the heritage of pre-1800 multilingualism and links to modernist literary multilingualism (post-1880), lines of rupture and continuity
We invite proposals from all disciplines devoted to European (Romance, Germanic, Slavic, Baltic,
Finno-Ugric …) literature. Papers can be presented either in English, French or German.
Please submit your abstract online by August 31, 2015 via the conference website http://icla2016.univie.ac.at/abstract-submission/
You will need to create an account with the website and enter the seminar number 16680 into the “topic” field on the “add abstract” screen. The participants will be informed of their inclusion no later than December 31, 2015.
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